New Gift Opportunities

Additional Gift Opportunities in 2025

In late December 2022, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, which was signed into law in the closing days of the year. The massive legislation included the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022, which was primarily designed to encourage retirement savings for future generations of Americans. This portion of the legislation also included a provision to expand qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) from individual retirement accounts. IRA QCDs allow tax-free gifts to charities of up to $100,000 per year. The law allows a special one-time election to make QCDs through charitable remainder trusts and gift annuities for up to $50,000. These amounts are indexed for inflation annually. For 2025, the maximum QCD amount is $108,000, and the one-time election for qualified distributions to charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts is increased to $54,000.

For more information, please contact us or your tax advisors about this new way to enjoy tax-free charitable giving.

More Good News for Gift Annuities!

Charitable gift annuity rates increased again on January 1, 2024. Gift annuity rates are based on age. Your gift annuity rate will be determined by the rate that is within six months of your nearest birthday. The new rates are illustrated below.

One Life Rate
60 5.2%
65 5.7%
70 6.3%
75 7.0%
80 8.1%
85 9.1%
90+ 10.1%
Two Life Rate
60 & 64 4.8%
65 & 67 5.1%
70 & 72 5.6%
75 & 78 6.4%
75 & 85 6.7%
78 & 82 6.9%
85 & 90 8.7%

The above gift annuity rates are based on the American Council On Gift Annuities suggested maximum rates effective January 1, 2024. Check with us for more information.

Charitable Giving Strategies to Consider

  1. Qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) from IRAs are advantageous for eligible individuals. Although no charitable deduction is available, the income tax that is normally owed on withdrawals is avoided. QCD rules:
    • Individuals must be at least age 70½ on the date of the gift.
    • QCDs can come only from IRAs, not 401(k)s or other retirement accounts.
    • A maximum of $108,000 may be given annually in 2025.
    • The transfer must come directly from the IRA custodian.
    • QCDs can be made only to public charities, not to private foundations or donor advised funds.
    • Distributions can be used to satisfy a person’s pledge.
  2. Life-income gifts such as charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities offer several advantages to satisfy philanthropic goals. Because deductions for remainder trusts and gift annuities tend to be larger, you may be able to itemize in the year a gift is arranged. Payments from life-income gifts may be attractive to those who would normally make bequests to charity through a will or living trust—providing income tax and possibly capital gains tax savings. Remember, the new SECURE 2.0 law allows for a special election to use IRA QCDs to fund split-interest gifts. The maximum allowable amount for 2025 is $54,000.
  3. Making gifts of appreciated assets, such as stock or mutual funds, allows you to avoid the capital gains tax that would be due if the assets were sold, offering tax savings even if you use the standard deduction.
  4. Those with donor advised funds can direct gifts to public charities. You may be able to itemize by making a larger gift to a donor advised fund, from which annual gifts can be made over several years. Contributing appreciated securities to a donor advised fund provides added tax savings.